Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration Occupational therapy in Indirapuram Ghaziabad

Does your child is showing any signs of sensory processing disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that affects their ability to process and integrate sensation and find difficulty in showing appropriate actions that may also later on interfere with their learning and behaviour, then it is the time to make an appointment with Percept Rehabilitation. This renowned clinic in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad is an expert in providing sensory integration occupational therapy that increases a child’s threshold for tolerating sensory-rich environments and reinforces positive behaviours. This therapy is grounded on Ayres's theory of sensory processing and is governed by the principle that "intersensory integration is foundational to function”. Occupational therapists of Percept Rehabilitation are highly trained and experienced to execute this therapy with a high rate of success.   

Sensory Integration

Sensory integration is the process in the brain that allows individuals to take signals from their five senses organizes them and appropriately respond to those senses. Sensory integration supports the development of abilities required for participation in daily living activities. The five senses like taste, smell, sight, sound, and touch work in harmony with the brain and body to generate proper responses. This further helps individuals to perceive the environment and enables them to make adjustments to the current situation given up by the environment. It is a vital process of everyday routine that allows individuals to interact with the environment and respond when required.

Conditions Treated with Sensory Integration Therapy at Percept

Sensory integration therapy is designed to help children with sensory-processing problems and Autism Spectrum Disorders cope with the challenges they face while processing sensory input. These children have difficulty with motor skills, balance, and eye-hand coordination. This therapy is initiated by an occupational therapist with the child assessment and then accordingly a therapy program is planned comprising activities that stimulate sensory responses from the child, especially responses in terms of balance and physical movement. Some of the conditions treated with sensory integration therapy include:

  • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Behavioural Disorders
  • Motor skill delays
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Developmental Delays

Sensory integration therapy offered by expert occupational therapists of Percept Rehabilitation aims to address difficulties in sensory processing leads to improved adaptive responses and enhanced overall functioning of senses in children. This therapy is used alone or in combination with other therapies tailored to per individual's needs.

Percept Rehabilitation Adopts Effective Sensory Integration Therapy Techniques  

Percept Rehabilitation in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad adopts effective sensory integration occupational therapy to allow children to regulate and internalize their sensory responses. The sensory integration occupational therapy sessions at Percept are play-oriented and are carried out using equipment like slides, swings, and trampolines. It also uses diverse therapies like brushing, deep pressure, swinging, and weighted vests that are found effective in calming an anxious child. Besides, this therapy also enhances the child's capability of tolerating sensory-rich environments and infuses positive behaviours in them. Some of the effective techniques adopted include:

  • Play-Oriented Activities – Revered occupational therapists at Percept Rehabilitation in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad design playful activities involving multiple sensory experiences that challenge the sensory processing abilities of the child. These activities include playing with balls, trampolines, swings, and other equipment that give sensory input.
  • Swinging and Spinning – Occupational therapists make use of these activities to provide balance and movement control in children. These activities regulate arousal levels in children and improve their balance and coordination. Swinging provides different motions and gradually increases the intensity which improves tolerance and coordination in children whereas spinning provides vestibular input that monitors and adjusts the intensity to avoid overstimulation.
  • Deep Pressure Activities – Therapists in Indirapuram include deep pressure activities like wrapping the child with a blanket that helps the child develop body awareness and calming responses.
  • Brushing Activity – In this technique, occupational therapists make use of a soft surgical brush to apply pressure to the child's skin. It is believed to improve sensory processing and reduce tactile defensiveness.
  • Visual Stimulation – In this technique, children are involved in activities comprising visual stimulation like playing with colourful lights, tracking moving objects, or visual discrimination activities such as sorting objects according to colour or shapes. This improves visual processing, attention focus, and coordination in children.
  • Environmental Modifications – In some cases, our occupational therapists may advise to change or modify the environment of the child. This reduces sensory distractions or develops opportunities for sensory exploration.
  • Sensory Diet - It is a personalized plan comprising sensory activities throughout the child's daily routines to cater to their sensory needs. This improves children's participation in daily activities.
  • Calming and Relaxation Techniques – Occupational therapists make use of calming and relaxation activities like breathing exercises, squeezing a stress ball, quiet time, or gentle massage to teach children self-regulation and help them lower sensory overload.

Sensory Integration therapy techniques allow children to internalize and regulate their sensory responses to the environment around them. The everyday activity requires smooth coordination of all senses. Thus, occupational therapists improve children's ability to regulate their senses through an array of treatment techniques discussed above to ultimately improve function.

Roles and Responsibilities of Occupational Therapists Offering Sensory Integration

Experienced occupational therapists at Percept Rehabilitation play a significant role in promoting children's functional abilities. With their proven therapy techniques, they enhance children’s participation in daily activities. The diverse roles and responsibilities played by occupational therapists while offering sensory integration therapy include:

  • Assess Child’s Strength and Challenges – Occupational therapists of Percept Rehabilitation conduct child’s assessments to identify strengths and challenges related to motor skills, sensory processing, and self-regulation.
  • Devise Plan – Depending on their assessments, occupational therapists develop personalized sensory integration therapy plans to address the child's specific needs.
  • Sensory Integration Therapy – Occupational therapists use sensory integration therapy to improve a child’s sensory processing and work to develop their fine and gross motor skills that enhance the child’s independence.
  • Recommends Additional Support – In some cases, occupational therapists may also recommend assistive technology or adaptive equipment to help children facing physical or cognitive challenges.
  • Collaborate with Parents and Caregivers – Occupational therapists rendering sensory integration therapy operate to promote independence, optimal development, and quality of life for children and their families. To achieve this they even collaborate with parents and caregivers to ensure a holistic approach to child care.  

Skills Improved with Sensory Integration Therapy

Occupational therapists at Percept Rehabilitation have been experts in providing sensory integration therapy for many years and help to improve a child’s cognitive functions, tolerance, and social skills. Sensory integration therapy improves the following skills, including:

  • Sensory Processing – This therapy helps children learn to properly regulate their sensory responses and to use all their senses together, including touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing.
  • Motor Skills – Sensory integration therapy helps improve balance, coordination, and fine motor skills through activities like movement, balance, and coordination exercises that target sensory integration.  
  • Social Skills – With the effective sensory integration therapy sessions at Percept Rehabilitation, children will increase social interactions and better engagement with others and will also enhance other social skills like sharing, cooperation, and communication.
  • Emotional Regulation - Sensory integration therapy offered by experts helps children learn emotional regulation.
  • Control Behaviour - Sensory integration therapy addresses the prime reasons behind the underlying sensory issues and thus helps in reducing challenging behaviour like meltdown or avoidance of some stimuli.

Why Receive Sensory Integration Therapy at Percept Rehabilitation in Indirapuram?

Some children during their normal development fail to correctly develop sensory integration and therefore require sensory integration therapy from a renowned center like Percept Rehabilitation that allows them to gain these vital developmental stages. Our center in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad stands apart from other therapy centers because of our effective and innovative therapy program that is designed after carefully assessing the needs of the child. Some of the reasons that make this centre stand out for sensory integration therapy include:

  • Percept is the leading center for sensory integration therapy in Indirapuram offering specialized care for children facing sensory processing disorders, autism, ADHD, and developmental delays.
  • Boasting a well-equipped sensory gym and highly trained occupational therapists, Percept makes use of effective techniques to improve sensory perception, motor skills, and overall functionality in children.
  • At Percept, we design individualized treatment plans to address each child’s unique needs, fostering cognitive and physical growth.
  • Our team focuses on creating a supportive, child-friendly environment to allow children to effectively learn and process sensory information, which enhances their ability to interact with the world around them.
  • With a holistic approach to therapy, we improve sensory processing, communication, social interaction, and daily living skills.
  • We are a top and preferred choice for parents seeking comprehensive care for their children’s developmental challenges.

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